After two lovely weeks at home with my family, it is time to head back to school. That means no more staying up late (which I am already failing miserably at tonight). No more sleeping late. No more spending the day in my sweats. And most unfortunately, no more middle of the day snuggle time with my girls. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE teaching and I have missed my students, but nothing beats being home with my two lovelies!
I finally decided today that I needed to buckle down and get a few things done for tomorrow. I did go in to school last week to work on my classroom and I got a lot done, but I had a stack of things still waiting to be done today.
I was very excited this year when TpT started accepting purchase orders. I ordered many units and activities that I had had my eye on for awhile. The only problem was I never seemed to have enough time to get the products downloaded, printed, and laminated. That dilemma was solved this week when I was at school. I finally got most of my purchases printed and laminated, but that was as far as I got.
So...I started out the day with this...
I wasn't kidding when I said I had a stack of things to do. =) After a few hours (yes, hours) of cutting, I now have this.
(Sorry about the sideways pics. I can't seem to get them to turn and I am too tired to work on it anymore.)
I am very excited to go back to school tomorrow knowing that I was able to get all of these activities ready to go. I am very thankful to Denise at Sunny Days for all of the task cards and the new spelling activities for my Word Work station. I know that my students will be excited to have new writing prompts for January when they are at the Work on Writing stations. I am also very excited to begin Hope King's If I Lived in a Snowglobe writing and craftivity tomorrow. I am so pleased with the quality of all of my purchases and I am grateful for the peace of mind that I have tonight knowing that tomorrow, my plans are set.
Since the ring of my alarm is going to come way too soon for this night owl, I had better get a move on towards bed. For those of you heading back to school tomorrow, I hope it goes smoothly with children who behave all day, and activities and lessons that go just as you planned them!
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